Social media? We dominate them.

We create dialogues for
enhance your brand increase engagement create business opportunities

Gestione Social Media Milano
Servizio di Gestione Social Media

We offer a social media management service to communicate with customers directly, promote, sell, and increase awareness of companies and freelancers.

At Isola, we don’t make posts.
We support your entire business through empathetic contact with potential customers.

Social Media Agency:
what we' re all about

Our goal as a social media agency is the development of effective communication that suits your clients.
In addition to the creation of the website, communication also makes use of the company Facebook page, LinkedIn, Instagram and social channels in general, and advertising messages.

Our social media agency specifically specializes in managing the following channels:


Your business profile on Facebook is a great tool for communicating and promoting your business.

With this social it is possible:

  • Reach a highly targeted audience
  • advertise your services
  • build the loyalty of your users
  • Increase your brand reputation and brand awareness
  • do after-sales service
  • Collect reviews or comments on your products.


Having a LinkedIn account is a calling card for your business and your products and services.

It is the social network of excellence for business and enables:

  • Create a network of valuable contacts
  • Give your brand greater visibility and credibility
  • Talking to potential customers.


With a number of more than 400 million active users, Instagram began as a mobile application.

From its origins, it was designed to post photos and short videos to engage the right audience, in line with its niche market.

It is the social dedicated to images, for all activities that want to communicate with a great visual impact and create a more direct relationship with followers.

Google Business Profile (Formerly Google My Business)

With Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business) your business is listed on Google maps.

That way customers can find you when they search your brand name on Google.
We manage updates, services, posts and user reviews for your business profile.

Social media are increasingly a tool for business growth.
In fact, they give the opportunity to establish a direct dialogue with your customers, offering them a less impersonal contact , to establish relationships with potential new interested users and to retain existing ones.

In addition, social media are key to providing better service to your audience.
For example, they are useful for dealing immediately with any problems encountered by customers, with faster service and support, or with up-to-date information.

The importance of social media strategy

Social media strategies change for each reality, depending on the goals to be achieved and the target audience.
In fact, the ways to get in touch with their users differ according to the type of business:

B2B company (Business to Business: inter-company trade, that is, all those exchanges that take place between two companies)


B2C company (Business to Consumer: a company that sells its products or services directly to consumers)

Activities open to the public

Knowing how to retain users and build a target and activecommunity requires specific skills and strategic thinking.
Therefore, in order to more comprehensively and effectively connect with potential customers, it is advisable to do more than just build a website.

Here is that a digital strategy forward-looking also considers its target audience while browsing social networks, consulted during playful, entertaining and in-depth moments.

As easy as it may seem, actually devising a social media marketing strategy with concrete goals and managing social media in a professional manner requires skilled skills.

L'importanza della Strategia Social Media


Our service
of Social Media Management


Good management of the social profiles of a company or local business can generate many new contact opportunities and positively influence users.
Specifically, with us you can get an accurate and customized study as well as management of your company’s social network pages including:

Gestione Pagine Social Network

Accurate evaluation of the results obtained

Monitoring tools allow us to measure theprogress of social media marketing activities and evaluate the results achieved, which vary according to the strategic objectives set.

These are some of the indicators:

Increased followers and fanbase

Increased user engagement

Growth in the number of interactions (likes, posts, shares, comments...)

Increased brand visibility

More visibility to the site with increased visits

Improved user experience and increased stay on the site

The other coordinated activities of Social Media management

In coordination with social media, we can also manage the company’s traditional online channels (websites, blogs, newsletters) so that there is integrated and consistent 360-degree communication.

So we can also deal with:

Creating and managing text content and copywriting of posts, catchy slogans and advertising messages

Creating landing pages landing pages for social advertising or to promote your business’ site navigation

Inserting and managing social plugins into your site or blog

Why choose us as your social media agency

Isola is thecommunications and web marketingagency specializing in social media management service, synergistic with the broader marketing strategy.

Our social editorial plans can be promoted to audiences selected by interests and profiles through Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads and LinkedIn Ads platforms.

Moreover, our expertise is not limited to social.
We effectively integrate social media with Google Ads campaigns targeted e SEO optimizations for search engines., expanding the reach of your brand.

Scegliere Isola per la gestione Social Network

Rely on our social management to give your brand popularity

Request a free quote or analysis of opportunities in your industry.


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