Do we give the numbers? No, we collect and interpret them for you

Digital marketing report

We create clear and detailed digital marketing reports with the purpose of measuring the performance of advertising campaigns, monitoring the performance of websites and social accounts, analyzing data, and identifying improvements.

Using advanced tools, our digital team can prepare standard and customized reporting for any type of business and business channel.

I nostri report di digital marketing

What more can we offer you?

A free professional consultation to find out how marketing reporting can help you both to check the status quo of your digital assets and to plan your future strategies.

What digital marketing reports are for

We center goals by working on accurate, reliable, and measurable data

Marketing reports produced by analysts at Isola are a key tool for correctly interpreting a large amount of information and taking full advantage of it. The risk of coming to the wrong conclusions and taking the wrong direction is always just around the corner.

Having accurate, reliable and up-to-date data related to the marketing activities undertaken is a fundamental step for the online growth of your reality. In fact, only by analyzing the info collected and monitoring performance can you be certain that your digital strategy is hitting the agreed goals.

Clienti che analizzano un Report di Digital Marketing
Esempio di Report Digital Marketing

Here is a summary of what we can do for you:

  • Collect relevant data from multiple channels
  • Develop reports using graphs, tables and colors to facilitate reading and understanding of numbers and trends
  • Create reports specific to a single channel or a given PPC campaign
  • Customize the periodicity of marketing reporting
  • Analyze and compare statistical data, study trends, and evaluate performance
  • Identify any critical issues and weaknesses on which to intervene
  • propose optimizations

To each digital area, its own dedicated marketing report

Analytics tools for your digital growth

At Isola we use the most appropriate analytical tools to align with your needs and identify indicators of value to your business.

In addition, we use clear language that is understandable even to laymen, and we are always available to clarify any doubts.

We propose:

Stats Google Ads campaigns (Data Studio, Google Ads internal analysis)

They return a clear view of advertising campaign effectiveness and return on investment (ROI), ensuring that the set budget is spent efficiently and that predetermined goals are met.

Social Statistics (Looker Studio, internal social insight tools)

We measure the performance of social media marketing activities by providing evidence of the metrics that best serve your social objective.

SEO statistics (Google Analytics, Google Search Console)

They show your website’s performance, organic traffic, sources and keywords through which users find your platform, devices used, dwell times, pages visited per session, conversion rate and other valuable information for search engine rankings.

Report newsletter and DEM

We monitor the most significant KPIs of e-mail marketing, such as click-through rate (CTR), open rate, and unsubscribe rate.

Support your marketing efforts with our analysis and reporting services!

Not sure where to start?

Fill out the form to meet our team and receive a free consultation now.

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