Google likes to change, and the perspective in which it does so is purely corporate. To increase user engagement, the search engine’s latest innovation is image-extended ads for the search network. In this way, the U.S. giant aims to improve conversions of paid content appearing in SERPs.
The Ads world is therefore becoming even more intricate, and coming to grips with it is a matter of skills and continuous updating.
Continue reading the article to learn more about this topic and find out how Isola can help you boost your business through online advertising.
What are ads for the search network
Search network ads are paid advertisements that companies can use to appear among the top results in the SERP. In fact, whenever you search for something on Google, the search engine returns results that can be divided into two categories:
- Ads – These are spaces that Google rents out to anyone who wants to appear on the first page for certain keywords. In fairness to the user, it is always specified that this is paid content, so that everyone can freely decide whether to open them or move on.
- Organic – That is, pages that, thanks to well-designed SEO and great content, rank among the top without paying a “fee.”
In addition to Google, ads can also be shown on partner sites, such as YouTube, depending on the settings chosen during creation and depending on the advertising strategy you wish to implement.
Where the ads for the search network appear in the SERP
When we decide to have our ad appear in the SERP (i.e., the results page), Google can place it in two places:
- in the top 4 positions
- in the last 4 positions at the bottom of the page
It goes without saying that it is always more functional to appear before organic results.
Doing so requires setting the right bidding strategy. In particular, you need to decide how to pay Google, choosing between, for example:
- The optimized cost per click: here you decide how much to bid for the keywords you are interested in and, if necessary, change the bid.
- The option maximizes conversions: on the contrary, here it is the Google machine that decides how much and how to raise the price based on various parameters-first and foremost, competition-to ensure higher chances of conversion.
In any case, these are just two among many strategies that can be adopted.
Ads Ads: the difference between search network and display network
Search network ads differ from display network ads in several ways. The most glaring is that, in the first case, the ad is shown at the exact moment when the user searches for the keyword we are interested in. In the second case, the ad appears not at the search stage, but later and based on the filters we want to use:
- Demographic data, such as age, gender, place of residence, ethnicity etc.
- Web pages viewed in the past
- personal interests
- And many others.
The three types of ads for the search network
There are three different types of ads for the search network:
- Plain text ads – They consist of 3 headlines and 2 descriptions that Google combines in different ways based on how likely it thinks they are to get a conversion.
- Adaptable text ads – In this case you have to set 15 titles and 4 descriptions that the search engine will mix and match to make the most profit.
- Dynamic ads – For these, simply set 2 descriptions and the url of the landing page on which users are to land. Google will then devise a title based on the information on the landing page.
Setting up a campaign is therefore a complicated job that requires soft skills: for example, excellent copywriting skills and specific training in Ads campaign management.
Image extension search network: a momentous development
Although Google may appear to be a free tool serving users, in reality its logics are purely corporate and aimed at constant revenue growth. Precisely because of this, its strategies and services change, and what worked a year ago may no longer be valid today.
Recently, the search engine introduced a huge innovation that is bound to disrupt the way online advertising is done. We are talking about theimage extension for the search network, which is the ability to show a visual element even on text ads.
Until even a month ago, this was impossible, and the user could only be offered one or more sentences. As mentioned, this innovation will lead to radical changes, challenges to be met with creativity and strategic sense. In particular, recognizing the importance of images, Google wants to:
- Present your users with more engaging sponsored content to give less of an impression that it is the usual advertising and to increase conversions
- Facilitate the sale of products and services, as is the case with shopping campaigns
The implications of this move are only guessable at the moment, and it will take time to understand exactly how the world of digital advertising will be changed. However, we can already think that the image extension for the search network will be agreat solution for those who do not have e-commerce, or a good alternative for those who do not want to enter the world of Google Shopping.
In addition, we have to take into consideration that the U.S. giant is increasingly pushing on what are its uniquenesses. Thus, in addition to the SERP, it is also pushing on YouTube, a platform it owns and over which it has total decision-making autonomy. It is precisely in these two places that it is worth investing most of one’s efforts.
In any case, the image extension for the search network is still in Beta version and is not active for all accounts. Thus, it will need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to see how best to proceed.
Create your own Ads with image extension for the search network with Isola
As you may have guessed, devising and designing an advertising strategy is no child’s play; it requires ongoing knowledge and training. The world of the web is changing fast, and our online advertising agency can help you structure a consistent and effective digital presence.
For years now, more and more clients have been choosing us as certified Google Partners who can develop optimal ad combinations to achieve effective results.
In addition, in Isola di Comunicazione we are ready to embrace the very latest innovations introduced by the search engine, designing Ads Ads with image extension for the search network thanks to the support of our graphics studio and the specialization in logo realization.
Do you want to invest in Google search network ads? Rely on our Google Ads agency: contact us and book a consultation!
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