Squeeze page for Aemo School of Osteopathy

The agency Isola di Comunicazione created the AEMO School of Osteopathy's squeeze page to illustrate and promote its course open day through Google Ads.
Landing page per Scuola di Osteopatia Aemo

The communication objective of AEMO's Squeeze Page.

AEMO ‘s Squeeze Page is used as the landing point of Google Ads campaigns with the goal of sponsoring the Academy’s osteopathy courseopen day.

Why a squeeze page?

1 – As a first motivation, this is an experiment proposed by the team to evaluate the conversion ability of a single page versus the site.

2 – The AEMO site was now categorized by Google as dealing with sensitive topics since topics for osteopathy and osteopathic clinic were present within the same domain.

Thanks to the squeeze page on a totally different domain, we were able to leverage the remarketing, that is, Google Ads campaigns with personalized ads for users who have already visited the site.

Layout responsive squeeze page per Scuola di Osteopatia Aemo

Immediate and essential web design

The graphics created by Isola for the AEMO School of Osteopathy are simple and clear: the message comes directly to the user who, if interested, can reserve his or her place at the open day in just a few clicks.

Web design squeeze page per Scuola di Osteopatia Aemo
Mockup tablet squeeze page per Scuola di Osteopatia Aemo

Inserting frequent call-to-actions to connect with users

The experts at Isola have included several call-to-actions aimed at visitors: each section has a form aimed atregistering for the day.

Mockup tablet squeeze page per Scuola di Osteopatia Aemo

Responsive layout suitable for every device

AEMO’s Squeeze Page is fully responsive so that users can visit and book for theopen day from computers, tablets and smartphones.

Mockup mobile squeeze page per Scuola di Osteopatia Aemo
Mockup mobile squeeze page per Scuola di Osteopatia Aemo
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